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A STARRY EYE FOR 2025 - Part 1

A popular love-song many years ago included the phrase "Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes". It IS vital that your life and mine avoid the trap of a fantasy-land outlook. It is imperative that our lives have a clear vision, undimmed by a starry-eyed, dream-like social, political and even a spiritual make-believe utopia; things like: if we could just marry the perfect spouse, get a better job, elect the right person or even find the right church! We must avoid letting these "stars" become our focus; it is absolutely necessary that we, like the Wise Men, center our attention on HIS STAR! It is all the more expedient that we turn our focus on the STAR OF CHRIST now as we enter the new year 2025!

The Wise Men saw His Star in the East. Who were these "Wise Men" from afar? From the Greek Language (original from the New Testament) the word is MAGI -- the same word used in Acts 13:6 for Simon "The Sorcerer". Originally, the term designated the priestly caste among the Persians and the Babylonians. Probably here in the Gospel Writing Account of Matthew, Chapter Two, it means "Chaldean Astrologers". They were men who diligently studied the stars, seeking information, guidance and insight. They said, "We have seen his star in the East." (Matthew 2:2) This is more accurately translated, "We have seen his star at its rising." Even though these wise men were well versed in astrology, this new star was extremely different than any they had previously seen. Isn't it very interesting that God used what these pagan men were passionate about to lead them to Jesus? And yes He does the very same regarding you and me! I personally believe they received UNUSUAL INSIGHT GIVEN THROUGH DIVINE PROVIDENCE! God's revelation to them! As they were astonished by this notable new star, they set out on a long journey in search of the ONE "born King of the Jews." (Matthew 2:2) It was their intent and professed purpose to find this KING and worship Him. (Matthew 2:2)

It should not strike us as something completely foreign or highly unusual that these wise men were attracted to The King of the Jews - JESUS through the medium of a star. The Apostle Peter referred to Jesus as "the Morning Star rising in our hearts. . . ." (II Peter 1:19) As the morning star, Jesus is "The Light Bearer." No wonder Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." (John 8:12) Then we read, ". . .a star shall come out of Jacob." (Numbers 24:17) This is a prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah, Christ Jesus! Jesus Himself declared, ". . .I am the root and the descendant of David (lingage through Jacob), the bright and morning star." (Revelation 22:16)

I tell you, none of us knows what 2025 will be like, what lies ahead of us, what we will encounter or experience, what sorrows and joys will come our way, or what victories or hardships we'll face. We cannot forecast the future. Some will leave it to fate or chance; others will rely on the guidance, direction and peace that ONLY GOD SUPPLIES! As God said to Joshua, I will guide you ". . .in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed (travelled) this way before." (Joshua 3:4) But, I do say that in 2025, we must let Jesus Christ, the "Bright and Morning Star" get into our eyes, hearts and lives! Let us give Jesus Christ the place He demands, to get fully into our eyes, mind, plans, activities, priorities, choices and life-style!

Let's look carefully at the Second Chapter of Matthew. First, there is The Star of Divine Guidance! The "star in the East" was literally seen by the wise men. It was not a figment of their imagination; they saw it and pondered at some length as to what the meaning of it could possibly be. They carefully prepared for a very long journey to search it out. God had revealed the star to them and they believed it was to be given high priority. Let us seriously consider this truth: Divine Guidance is given by God to be known by those He gives it to! Not only so, but Divine Guidance is given by God to be followed. We are held accountable for the Divine Guidance we receive and we better follow it precisely and faithfully!

Second, the Star Was Their Source! It was from God Himself! He used the new star to provide the guidance needed! God never lacks the means to guide earnest seekers! It matters not our age, our circumstances, our background, our up-bringing, our nationality, our gifts or talents, our strengths or weaknesses, etc.; if we seek Him, we will find Him! He will guide us to Himself and to His will for us! ". . .You will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deuteronomy 4:29) "And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13) This means WE must go after God, devoting our heart and soul to finding Him in every moment, in every situation, and every day! Let's not practice a "fox-hole" relationship with God, seeking Him only when we have a crisis. Rather, it is a life-transforming process and a faithful journey to discovering the true reality of God! The Psalmist said, "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands." (Psalm 119:10-11) We use our time, energy, talents, and resources to obey His commandments. He has not invited us to keep His commandments, He has demanded us to obey them! I invite you to join me to reflect on how we use these aspects of life to learn what God's commandments are, so that we can obey them. HOW? By being faithfully in His Word, the Bible, reading and meditating on it, studying it, and cultivating a life of consisent prayer, which is personal communion with God! "Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. . . ." (Isaiah 55:6) Strongly implied here is that the time could easily and quickly come when it is too late to seek Him and to call upon Him! Then, we know the rest of the story - we have eternal disaster and condemnation with NO OPPORTUNITY to ever seek Him or call upon Him! Being separated from Him for eternity is no frivolous matter!

The wise men were given the star to guide them. Wow, OUR source of Divine Guidance is the Bible, the Holy Spirit and God's Son Jesus Christ! We have the very BEST in resources to give us guidance! "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. ' (Psalm 32:8) "You guide me with your counsel. . . ." (Psalm 73:24) "And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places. . . ." (Isaiah 58:11) Jesus promised this,, "When He the Spirit of Truth (The Holy Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the truth. . . ." (John 16:13)

A word of advice for 2025 (and beyond), we should do nothing unless we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are totally in the will, plan and purpose of God! We NEED the Star of Divine Guidance! We can go it on our own if we so choose; we can say, "I did it my way". For those of us who tried living just "our own way', it begs the question, "How did that actually go for you and for me"? Where did that get us?

WHY do we NEED Divine Guidance? Here are some definitive reasons!

  1. COMPLEXITY OF LIFE! Life is very complicated. It gets more so every day! There is confusion, discouragement, perplexity, and utter frustration. No one is immune!

  2. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS! So many of our interpersonal relationships are stretched, hindered, and even broken! Healing and reconciliation seem along way off or even impossible. Jesus said it would be like this, especially in the End Times. "Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. . . ." (Matthew 10:21) The Apostle James gave us this admonition, "Do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged; behold the Judge (Jesus) is standing at the door." (James 5:9) The Apostle Paul had this truth to say, "if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:1-2) Jesus said, "Judge not, lest you be judged, for with what judgement (standard) you judge, you will be judged." (Matthew 7:1-2) God wants to heal our broken or dysfunctional family relationships as well as those that are hindered with other people. I personally can attest to the devastation of unresolved interpersonal conflicts. I had a brother, ten years older than me., who disowned his own two daughters and their families. He also disowned me, my family, our parents and another bother. No attempt made to bring restoration worked; he refused. The saddest and most tragic part is that he died and the relationships were not addressed nor resolved before his passing away. HOW ARE YOUR INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH FAMILY AND OTHERS AT THIS TIME? If we have unresolved conflicts, let's get them restored while we have the opportunity! We won't always have the chance!

  3. RAISING OUR CHILDREN! So many children are left to fend for themselves, left alone hours on end, babysat by TV and video games, entertained by sports and/or activities. The Bible teaches us that our children are to be taught, trained, disciplined, nurtured and equipped in Character Development by their parents. "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up (nurture, train, admonish) in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4) WHO is raising your children? - Babysitters, school, TV, video games, etc., OR YOU?

  4. DECISIONS NEEDING MADE! Life without decision-making does not exist! We have to make them every day. It takes the "wisdom of Solomon" some people think. Well, it DOES TAKE THE WISDOM OF GOD! He gives us wisdom when we ask for it! "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." (promised by God - James 1:5) "But the wisdom from above (from God) is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere." (James 3:17) "And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." (James 3:18)

  5. OUR OWN SPIRITUAL LIFE! We need God's Guidance to avoid the cares and love of this world and be spiritually renewed to love God above all else and make Him our highest priority! We do need His guidance to have and implement the discernment of the Holy Spirit. You see, there is spiritual warfare going on in the heavenlies and all around us! We are definitely on a Collision Course with ungodliness, sin, rebellion, opposition, unrighteousness, oppression, and the forces of evil. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:11-12)

    I would encourage all of us to make a conscious choice of NOT placing our trust in men, or in government, or policies; NOT in the promise of some kind of utopia on earth! Our confidence and trust must be in God and in Him alone!

At the beginning of 2025 and beyond, let us seriously consider this: IF;

  • We are not giving quality time or attention to God personally. . .

  • We are disobedient to what we KNOW in our hearts is right and in accordance with the teaching of God's Word. . .

  • There is a problem regarding an illicit sexual experience either over the internet, the printed page or an in-person encounter. . .

  • There's a broken covenant or relationship with family members, or other persons, the abandonment of promises made and compromised integrity. . .

  • A departure from Biblical Truth and a reliance on worldly wisdom exists. . .

    THEN, we are in desperate NEED OF SPIRITUAL RENEWAL AND REVIVAL, a complete turning away from the wrong and TO THE RIGHT! Are we "all in" with seeking to be spiritually renewed?


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God has blessed me with a long and fruitful ministry! I have over 40 years in pastoral ministry, retreat speaking, Evangelism, teaching and Christian Radio broadcasting.


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