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What do I mean by having a "Starry Eye For 2025"? I have two things in mind: 1) we may have a fantasy-land outlook, or 2) we may have a focus on the "bright and morning STAR" - JESUS CHRIST! (Revelation 22:16) As we talked about in last week's blog, we need to be like the "Wise Men" of Matthew, Chapter Two and keep our eye on HIS STAR! (If you haven't already, I encourage you to stop reading here and go back to read last week's blog, which is Part I on this theme.)

The lyrics of this song describe it so "beautifully." "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem".

"Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem, shining afar through shadows dim. Giving the light for those who long have gone, Guiding the wise men on their way, unto the place where Jesus lay. O beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on.

Oh beautiful star of Bethlehem, the hope of life. Guiding the prilgrims through the night, over the mountains 'til the break of dawn, Into the land of perfect day. It will give out a lovely ray. Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on.

Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem, the hope of rest, for the redeemed, the good and the blessed. Yonder in glory when the crown is won, Jesus is now the star divine, Brighter and brighter, he will shine. Oh beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on.

Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem, Shine upon earth until the glory dawns. Give us a lamp to light the way, Unto the land of perfect day. Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on."

Jesus is The Star of Bethlehem! "I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near! A star is emerging from Jacob; a scepter is rising from Israel. . . ." (Numbers 24:17) This is a prophecy about the future birth of the Messiah Jesus the Christ in Israel.

In last week's post, we explored the wise men's long journey, following His Star to find and worship this "king of the Jews." (Matthew 2:2) We saw that the star was one of Divine Guidance and what that means for us today!

Now, let's continue on with our journey by looking seriously at Matthew, Chapter Two. In a sense, this beautiful star was also THE STAR OF TROUBLE. Notice that now the wise men head to the capital city of Judah - Jerusalem. Instead of continuing to follow the God-given supernatural star, they turned to their own natural thinking. After all, doesn't it "make sense" that a King would be born in the capital city? So, when they arrived in Jerusalem they inquired around, "Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him." (Matthew 2:2) By their actions, they opened the door for TROUBLE. "When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." (Matthew 2:3) Herod became obsessed, felt threatened, intimidated, resentful and outraged. He was inwardly very troubled about this "king of the Jews"; he did not want any rival to his position, power or authority. He stood in full opposition to the plan and purpose of God. Herod did not give the slightest regard for what God had ordained. Here is a point for us to ponder. When we are out of harmony with God, and full of our own self-interests, the result is that we become inwardly troubled! Sometimes, it is conviction from God arresting our conscience. Sometimes, the inner trouble ensues from our own sin, rebellion, stubbornness and pride, etc. Also, when we step out of the will of God and into our own will, we cause others around us to be inwardly troubled. Herod did not keep his inner struggle to himself; the Scripture says . . ."he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him." Are we inwardly troubled? Who are we bringing into trouble with us; who are we influencing in a negative way - our spouse, our children, our siblings, or friends? Could the reason be that we are out of the will of God, being disobedient to His Word? Are we opposing (either consciously or unconsciously) God and His plan and purpose for our lives or the lives of others around us? If so, we can correct this by coming under and submitting to God in every way! In 2025, those who do not allow the Star of Bethlehem - JESUS CHRIST- to get into their eyes, heart, mind and will, indeed will allow trouble into their lives and adversely affect others around them! Beware, it can happen quite easily and quickly! Sin is very deceptive and satan is extremely subtle! God stands ready to forgive and cleanse us from the inside out!

The Star we need is also the STAR OF FORGIVENESS! The wise men had followed HIS STAR to the Land of Judea, and arrivng, they went to the wrong place and inquired of the wrong people! Choosing to leave the guidance of His Star, they resorted to their own natural, non-spiritual inclinations. They chose to go it on their own, to find the "king of the Jews" in the Jewish Capital. When our humanity takes control and we set God aside, disaster awaits! We often think we know it all, we have the answers, we can succeed on our own, we can "do it our way", and even our "spiritual egotism" can make for RUIN! We make assumptions and presuppose a lot of things, that are not based on God's will! Here is a point to ponder: DO NOT ASSUME MORE THAN YOU OUGHT LEST YOU BE CALLED UPON TO PROVE MORE THAN YOU CAN!

In his anxiety, Herod "assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to born." (Matthew 2:4) So they told Herod that according to the prophet, the Christ would be born "in Bethlehem of Judea." (Matthew 2:5) With utter hypocrisy, he asked the wise men "what time the star had appeared." Herod wanted them to go to Bethlehem to find this child and then to come back and tell him so that "I too may come and worship him." (Matthew 2:8)

Note this, "after listening to the king, they (the wise men) went on their way. "AND BEHOLD, THE STAR THAT THEY HAD SEEN WHEN IT ROSE WENT BEFORE THEM UNTIL IT CAME TO REST OVER THE PLACE WHERE THE CHILD WAS! WHEN THE SAW THE STAR, THEY REJOICED EXCEEDINGLY WITH GREAT JOY." (Matthew 2:9-10) Question: Did the STAR FINALLY RE-APPEAR to guide these "wise men"? NO! THE STAR OF DIVINE GUIDANCE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! They had just disregarded it, resorted to their own "wisdom" and sought the advice of men. What a mistake! After they left Herod, "BEHOLD WHEN THEY AGAIN SAW THE STAR, they rejoiced. . . ." Wow, they got their focus back; they saw the right thing - HIS STAR! Talk about God's mercy, grace, goodness, forgiveness and reconciliation! He did not write the wise men off even though they a committed a horrible blunder! They should have kept their eyes on His Star; they failed greatly, but God's loving forgiveness was demonstrated, for GOD HAD NOT REMOVED HIS STAR! Applying this lesson to our own lives, what have we done that has taken us entirely the wrong direction? When have we disregarded God's guidance, and what terrible consequences have become real? None of it is beyond God's love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and restoration! Aren't you glad?!

Back to the wise men. They had disregarded God's guidance and the consequences were real and extremely tragic. "Then Herod, when he saw he had been tricked by the wise men, (due to God's warning they did not return to give him the location of the Christ Child) became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under. . . ." (Matthew 2:16) (Remember, Jesus and his parents had fled to Egypt at the instruction of the Lord. - Matthew 2:13) In Herod's uncontrolled anger, he murdered hundreds of innocent baby boys. This was needless and preventable IF the wise men would have continued looking at and following HIS STAR! What dire and horrible results occur when we bypass the living God and the resources He gives to us! Our sins of self-will and waywardness can be forgiven by our Lord, but consequences of that sin most often to some extent remain.

Last, we find THE STAR OF WORSHIP! The wise men now re-focused and followed the star all the way to the Christ Child. They found Him with His mother in a house, no longer in the stable or manger. "And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother. . . ." (Matthew 2:11) THEY SAW THE CHILD! Today, our spiritual eyes must "SEE" Jesus, the Messiah, the Resurrected Lord of ALL! When they saw the Christ, they fell down, and seeing Him, they were prompted to Worship the Christ! (Matthew 2:11) As we focus on Jesus, we, too, will bow in humility and "worship Him in spirit and in truth" as the Scripture says. (John 4:23-24) To worship Him in spirit and in truth means that our worship of Jesus is with a sincere and heartfelt devotion, coming from our inner being, while also aligning our actions and understanding with God's truth as revealed in the Bible. It teaches us that our worship is a genuine, deep and consistent commitment to God, going beyond mere outward rituals, formality and just giving mental assent to His existence. What is the QUALITY of our worship expressed and lived-out to Jesus?

In honor to and worship of this "king of the Jews" the wise men presented gifts, which they had brought with them to Him! They planned and prepared ahead of seeing the Christ, so they could worship Him wholeheartedly! This should remind us that we too should plan and prepare well for entering the LORD'S presence in worship! We should not be casual or haphazard in attitude and purpose when we come into the presence of the King of kings and LORD of all lords! Let's note the gifts given in honor of Jesus by the wise men:

  • GOLD: signifying KING JESUS. They recognized His Royalty!

  • FRANKINCENSE: in true honor of His Divinity! He is God in the flesh; fully God and fully Man - a Divine Miracle!

  • MYRRH: a full recognition of and honor to His future Sacrificial Death. Yes, Christ came in the flesh to die for our sins on the Cross. Don't miss the most important mission He came to fulfill! Here is the King and Son of God miraculously united with a human body, through the VIRGIN BIRTH, come to suffer for our sin, rebellion, stubborn nature, for our pain, afflictions and trials. Our response should be repentance (turning away from sin and to God), worship, praise and adoration!

Are we truly keeping a starry eye for 2025, with our focus, worship and love centered on JESUS CHRIST, THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM?

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God has blessed me with a long and fruitful ministry! I have over 40 years in pastoral ministry, retreat speaking, Evangelism, teaching and Christian Radio broadcasting.


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