You will notice the content of today's blog differs from my previous topics; I want to talk about this subject because of current events going on in the Middle East. I've always had a keen interest in Biblical prophesy. I firmly believe prophesy is revealed by God because He WANTS His people aware and to be ready for His End Time plans. Many people seem to avoid this subject because they think it is too complicated, scary or they don't like change. End Times involve major change! So, here is some information on a very current event and my thoughts for consideration in light of Biblical prophesy.
In the middle of April, 2024, Iran unleashed a barrage of 350 drones and missiles against Israel. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this hostile event was that Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates supported Israel rather than Iran. Just think of it. All three nations are opposed to the war in Gaza, and especially Israel's stated goal of annilating the terrorist organization Hamas. Though these nations are very rarely supportive of Israel, they did lend their support for Israel against an aggressive attack from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Jordan even took part in shooting down Iranian missiles. It could be argued that since these missiles invaded Jordanian airspace, Jordan would naturally shoot them down. However, years ago, Jordan would have been more than happy to have any hostile missiles fly over its airspace knowing the target was the Jewish State.
It was reported that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates provided extremely valuable intelligence to Israel about the certainty and timing of the Iranian attack. According to these reports, Iran let Saudi Arabia know of the impending action, and in turn, Saudi Arabia secretly tipped off Israel, giving them a heads-up as to the Iranian plan. This tip-off would have been unthinkable a few years back.
The support of these three Arab nations for Israel has astounding prophetic significance in the preparation for the war described in Ezekiel, chapter 38. That war will involve a coalition of nations in the end times, prior to the return of Jesus to earth - - -Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Sudan and perhaps other Islamic nations. THIS PARTNERSHIP ALREADY IS IN PROGRESS! This coalition/partnership referred to in the Bible as "Gog and Magog", will eventually invade Israel.
According to Ezekiel 38, there must be a period of peace, rest and tranquility in Israel prior to this hostile invasion. Scripture makes it clear that this peace time is an essential precondition for the Gog Magog invasion. "After many days, you will be called to arms", referring to the coalition of nations. "In future years, you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety." (Ezekiel 38:8) Not only does Israel need to be re-gathered and brought in from the nations (which occurred in 1948), but Israel will be living "in safety." "You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land." (Ezekiel 38:9) "You will say, 'I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people- - -all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.' " (Ezekiel 38:11)
This is not the Israel that exists today, is it? However, according to Ezekiel's Prophesy, Israel, sometime in the future, will have a sense of security and peace and will relax their self-protection. This will take place due to a peace accord or treaty that the Antichrist will make. This peace accord will bring peace to the Middle East ahead of the Gog Magog invasion!
We are currently seeing more and more peace partners for Israel among its Arab neighbors, which has not taken place since 1948. A peace accord orchestrated by the Antichrist will institute the seven year Great Tribulation prophesied in Scripture. "He (meaning the Prince/Antichrist that is coming) will confirm (or compel) a covenant with many for one seven (set of seven years). In the middle of the seven (years) he will put an end to sacrifice and offering." (Daniel 9:27) Just a note here. Near the mid point of the seven year period, the Antichrist turns from the peace maker into the world dictator/warrior and will break the peace accord.
The Great Tribulation starts when a rider on a white horse comes forth and initiates a diplomatic victory. This counterfeit messiah (Antichrist) rides into action, "conquering and to conquer". (Revelation, chapter 6) He is described as one who has a bow, but lacks arrows. His conquest is diplomatic, a bloodless conquest. His purpose is to make a peace accord with Israel and her neighbors.
Now consider this: In April 2024, Time Magazine included an article titled "A Million Dollar Middle East Peace Plan." It puts forth a plausible plan for peace between Israel and her Middle East enemies. The published article is chillingly similar to what the Bible prophesys. Kai Bird, the author of the article says, "This conflict is so dangerous that the time has come for the international community to impose a solution." An IMPOSED SOLUTION FOR THE NATIONS? That is exactly what Daniel 9:27 says, "He will compel a covenant with many for one seven."
The Time Magazine article insists that "the international community must convene a Geneva Peace Conference" where all the essential nations will be forced to participate or "face financial and legal sanctions if they fail to show up." The author says, "A conversation will take place in which all parties are heard. But the American, European, and other international diplomats invited to Geneva will be responsible for the actual drafting of a peace treaty." So, nations other than Israel and her enemies will develop this peace accord draft. It will be totally brokered by outside forces, which is precisely what Daniel 9:27 says. The author of the Time article ends by saying, "This will be an imposed peace because the global stakes are too high."
The Bible is clear! The peace accord between Israel and her enemies will be an imposed, compelled as a "take it or else" treaty that will be negotiated by the Antichrist, who will rise from Europe, a revived ancient Roman Empire (a league of nations).
The current crisis between Israel and Hamas, Israel and Iran, and Israel and Hezbollah, is setting the stage for the Gog Magog War, but also for the event that must come before that war, notably the coming Middle East Peace Accord, put together by the Antichrist. All the key threads are being woven together right before our eyes! Don't miss it and do not ignore it!
An escalating cycle of attacks in this present conflict in the Middle East will only serve to further prepare for the Antichrist's arrival and the coming 7 year time of Tribulation. What is happening right now is a Flashing Red Light that the coming of Jesus Christ to rapture His people out of this world could be very soon!
Another point to make in this context is the fact that anyone following news releases is aware of the increase of world wide violence during the last several years. (The Bible clearly speaks of increased violence in the latter days.) Violence on a global scale also increases the pressure for an imposed, far-reaching peace agreement. The attempted assassination of former President Trump on July 13th adds significantly to the perceived need to impose a peace accord on a global scale. The one best suited to orchestrate such a deal is the Antichrist. Again, a Flashing Red Light occurs now that we must pay close attention to.
The red light flashes, but the green light of hope prevails. Our hope is in Jesus who has brought to us salvation, peace with God, eternal life in heaven and abundant life here while we live in this world. Blessings to you in His Name!
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