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There are many miracles recorded throughout the Bible that defy human knowledge, understanding and explanation! These miracles are way beyond our finite ability to fathom and they stand in full opposition to logic, reasoning, and contradict the laws and limitations we call "nature". They are indeed supernatural, orchestrated by the supernatural God! Among the miracles recorded in the New Testament are, the water turned into wine, the raising of the dead, the healings of the mute, blind, lame, and lepers. Another one that we don't often think of as a miracle, is Jesus' death on the cross. How is it understood and explained that Jesus took on Himself OUR sin, judgment, condemnation and literally became sin, though He never sinned, to give us freedom from sin and eternal life? "For our sake He (God) made Him (Jesus) to be sin, who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." (II Corinthians 5:21) We also have the miracles of Jesus' resurrection from the dead and His bodily ascension back to heaven. There are Old Testament miracles as well. For example, the creation of the world and universe from nothing, spoken into existence by God (Genesis 1:2-15), the creation of man from dirt (Genesis 2:7), the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground (Exodus 14:,21-22) water from a rock, (Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 21:1-14) the crossing of the Jordan River on dry ground by the Israelites (Joshua 3:13-17), and the list is endless!

Of them all, the most profound, stunning and totally incomprehensible miracle in all of Scripture is that of THE VIRGIN BIRTH! Yes, indeed, the Bible declares that Christ came from heaven to be born in the flesh, He was named Jesus, and He came through the virgin Mary, "In the beginning was the Word, (Christ) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) "And the Word (Christ) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) "For God so loved the world (people, including you and me), that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish (in hell) but have eternal life (in heaven)." (John 3:16) The Virgin Birth was prophesied in Scripture, 700 years before Christ Jesus was born, "Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel." (meaning "God With Us!") (Isaiah 7:14)

I encourage you to stop here and read the previous two blogs on the Christmas Miracle!

Christ's miraculous birth tends to cause a few hiccups among human beings. To the world (unbelievers in Jesus), the very idea of the Virgin Birth invites a puzzled look, a smirk, a rolling of the eyes and even denial. As much as folks like to see Mary on the face of their Christmas Cards, it seems they have only added her with a wink that suggests her story belongs alongside Santa's in terms of believability. But, I say, we dare not ignore this Biblical truth! This Christian doctrine is so vitally important that it has been woven into the fabric of ancient creeds and confessions of faith. It is breathtaking in the beauty of its significance for a wayward and sinful humanity. That Christ Jesus was born of a virgin is absolutely true, necessary and critical in our belief system and conviction!

The fact is that the Angel Gabriel appeared to a teenage, lower-middle-class, engaged young woman named Mary, to tell her that even though she was a virgin, she was going to conceive of the Holy Spirit

and give birth to the Messiah. This is so miraculous, unbelievable, unfathomable, incomprehensible that the finite human mind has great difficulty grasping its validity. And yet, because God declared it to be true in His Word, we believe it and that settles it! It strengthens our faith in its validity when we personally experience our own Bethlehem and make room for Jesus in our life and truly live for Him!

Christ is eternal-He's always existed! When we talk about the Virgin Birth, we are not talking about a birth like yours or mine. Our souls did not exist in a spiritual state somewhere in heaven, waiting for God to give us a body and send us to earth. Our lives begin at the very moment of conception! The Virgin Birth is the Birth of God Himself! WHY was it necessary for Christ to be born of a virgin? Regarding a normal birth, it is impossible for a woman to become pregnant without the seed of a man. In the seed of mankind is the seed passed down from Adam and Eve . We ALL, the entire human race, have descended from Adam and Eve, our first parents. This is why we say in truth, when a child is conceived, that child is "conceived in sin;" when a child is born, that child is "born in sin." That simply means that every child conceived and born has the sin nature inherited from Adam and Eve.

When Baby Jesus was born there was a stunning difference! Never has a mother had a baby like Mary had. Jesus did not have a biological, earthly father to pass to Him the seed of sin and the Adamic Nature. He was born of Divine, heavenly seed, being conceived in Mary, by the Holy Spirit! That is the ONLY REASON that made it possible for Him to die for our sins! He did not die for His own sins, for He was without sin! He was the Perfect, Sinless Son Of God! THIS IS THE #1 CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

Jesus' purpose in His birth, life and ministry was to reveal the Father who sent Him to us. Jesus said to His disciple Philip, "he that has seen me has seen the Father. . . ." (John 14:9) "Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. . . ." (John 14:11) This reminds me of the following story, A mother tucked her young son Jimmy into bed, and turned to leave his room. He asked her, "Are you going to turn the light off and leave me alone in the dark?" His mother replied, "You can't sleep with the lights on, so I'll turn them off, but God is here with you and you won't be alone." Jimmy said, "Mommy, I know God is here with me, but I also want someone here that has a face I can see!" That is exactly what God supplied when He sent His Son into our world. God became flesh that we might see Him - The CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! Yes, Jesus was miraculously born to show us the Father's love, mercy, grace, and plan of salvation; to show us the Father's care, compassion, comfort and His identification with our hurts, pain, lonliness and loss. He came to give light in our darkness. Here is the good news! God knows exactly what we need and how we feel! After all, He lost His Son to the Cross of Calvary! Another story I am reminded of is about a young boy named Andy. He was often sad and felt lonely because his dad had been deployed to Iraq for a long time and Andy missed him greatly. When he felt sad and depressed, he would go up to his bedroom and look at a picture of his dad, and say, "If only my father could step out of that picture and hold me!" It is true, the Lord stepped out of heaven and became flesh, and He does more than hold us - HE SAVES US!

The Virgin Birth is absolutely critical and necessary for our salvation, since Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man. He is our only Savior, uniquely qualified and gifted to be the only mediator between God and fallen, sinful man. We need Him specifically in order to be saved and reconciled to the Holy God! Christ Jesus was sent to us through a virgin's womb AND the agency of the Holy Spirit, in order to accomplish a miraculous union of God and man without sin. The Virgin Birth isn't just some casual notion or quaint doctrine, fabricated to make us feel better. It is absolute truth and necessary for our salvation, because what we need is a Savior!

You might ask, "Are we sure Christ Jesus was born of a virgin and really, does it matter?" The answer to both questions is a resounding YES! You see, if Jesus Christ was not born of a virgin, then He was not God. And if Jesus was not God, then none of our sins are forgiven; all of His teachings are a fraud, the Scriptures are untrue, our faith is unfounded and useless, our worship is misdirected. If Jesus was not God's Son in the flesh, we are not just fools, we are hopelessly and eternally lost fools. If He was not God in the flesh, the Cross at Calvary was for nothing, because the blood of an ordinary man cannot save us. It took the blood of God Himself to save us! That is why the Holy Spirit implanted Jesus Christ with precious life-producing blood in the body of Mary! And I am so eternally thankful! Aren't you?

So, the Virgin Birth of Christ Jesus was purposely accomplished to redeem us! ". . .you have redeemed us to God by your blood." (Revelation 5:9) The word "redeem" means literally "to buy back". We were God's possession by right of creation; we were created to be His! But we separated ourselves from Him, alienated ourselves from Him and rejected him through our sin of self-will and we became the slaves of unrighteousness. So God in Christ, bought us back and reconciled us to Himself, through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Praise God, Christ came in the flesh; His Virgin Birth accomplished God's plan and purpose to redeem us!

Little Cindy was sitting on Santa's lap in the mall. She gave him her list of expensive things she wanted for Christmas. Then, without a word of appreciation, she jumped off Santa's lap and ran to her mother. Her concerned mother asked, "Cindy, haven't you forgotten something?" Cindy thought for a moment, then said as she looked back at Santa, "O yes, and charge it"! God has "charged" our sins to His Son and the debt has been paid in full! What more can we ask for at Christmas? When the sinless Son of God hung on the cross, suspended between earth and heaven, between time and eternity, He was there because of our sins! On the Cross of Calvary, He took our sins UPON HIMSELF! The Lord came down to us through the avenue of His Virgin Birth for the purpose that every sin you and I have ever committed would be charged to His account! "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:21)

In closing, ponder this old Spiritual, a song about the Virgin Mary giving birth to a Baby Boy. Here are some of the lyrics:

"The Virgin Mary had a baby boy, and they say that His name was Jesus.

He come from the glory; He come from the glorious kingdom.

Oh, yes, believer! Oh, yes, believer! He come from the glory; He come from the glorious kingdom."

Take a moment to browse and listen to it! Here is a great version:

Type into your search bar: "The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy by Babbie Mason and Jessy Dixon". While you are listening, THANK GOD for this Amazing CHRISTMAS MIRACLE - THE VIRGIN BIRTH!

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God has blessed me with a long and fruitful ministry! I have over 40 years in pastoral ministry, retreat speaking, Evangelism, teaching and Christian Radio broadcasting.


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